
Download Matisse 5.0

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Matisse is a proven technology that was initially developed in Europe to solve real-time, mission critical problems that require high performance on complex data that goes beyond the modeling capabilities of legacy relational databases.

The Matisse DBMS has been in use worldwide since the early 90s. Leading pharmaceutical, financial services, telecommunications, defense, aerospace, transportation and energy companies have all depended on Matisse to solve some of the most complex data management applications.

Early deployments included Airbus, Cogema a nuclear waste reprocessing plant and the control system for Sanofi pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. Matisse has been operating in non-stop, mission critical environments for over a decade.

Today, The Matisse Database, with its patented architecture which natively supports Objects, SQL and XML helps large-scale enterprise-level customers rapidly build and manage complex C++, C# and Java applications. Furthermore it supports Visual Basic, Eiffel and the leading scripting languages including Python and PHP.